Book Companions

As a parent and educator, I have always been passionate about the power of reading aloud to children. Sharing stories with our children is one of the most important things we can do to help them develop a love of learning, expand their imaginations, and foster meaningful connections with the world around them.

However, as much as we might love reading to our kids, it’s not always easy to know how to make the experience as engaging and enjoyable as possible. That’s why I created these book companion guides. My hope is that it will serve as a tool for parents to make their reading time more meaningful, fun, and interactive.

With these guides, you will find a range of activities, discussion prompts, and other resources that will help you and your child dive deeper into the stories you read together. Whether you’re looking to spark their creativity, build their comprehension skills, or make reading time more fun, this guide is designed to help you achieve those goals. 

Reading aloud is one of the most rewarding experiences we can share with our children, and my goal with these guides is to help make that experience even more enriching and fulfilling for you and your child. I hope you’ll find these companion guides helpful and inspire you to continue sharing the joy of reading with your little ones for years to come.

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